Students choose images from the photos that they will use as a basis in their artwork. Students use their experience of line, shape, and pattern as well as their understanding of the structural frame to depict basic shapes from their chosen image.
Use ochre and water and demonstrate its purpose and use:
Animal fat was mainly used to mix with the pigments.
It is an earth-based material (drawing links to the connection to land)
They come in earthen colours (Red, Yellow, Gold, Orange) and this forms the basis of Indigenous Australian rock art.
Think and Do
Students think about what they will be painting in the lesson. They will choose images from the photos that they will use as a basis in their artwork.
Make a Plan
Students discuss the importance of using earthen colours and materials might mean to Indigenous Australians - then consider the colours they use.
Draw it - hands on
Students use their experience of line, shape, and pattern as well as their understanding of the structural frame to depict basic shapes.
Try a New Way
Students use a range of different painting techniques to paint their artwork - building up details through blending and linework.
Share with Others
Students consider the choices they made in creating their artwork, and write down a few notes on how they captured/imagined the land.
Students learn to:
• Explore their own deeply felt experiences and responses to the world around them.
• Construct artworks which communicate their ideas and interests about the world through the organisation of visual qualities as signs and symbols.
• Recreate a journey through a collection of signs, symbols and images to depict their thoughts and ideas.
Students learn about:
• How notions of cultural identity inform artistic practice and the production of artworks.
• How the symbolic language of artworks can be read and understood at a certain time and over time.